Focusing on Development
A lot of effort in tech is expended to solve the problems of the wealthiest in the society. CRED Labs is a software development unit at CRED focused on addressing issues that impede economic development. We help companies and researchers addressing these issues to build quality technology that includes AI and ML solutions.
Problem Solving in Motion
CRED Labs partners with clients to work in an agile, iterative way on system design and deliveryThis deep integration with our partners enables the user-driven design necessary for building an effective system.Labs is set up to co-evolve the technology with the understanding of the problem-space. This is a fundamentally different approach from other software houses – and it’s because impact is part of our bottom line.
Our Capabilities
CRED Labs partners with clients to work in an agile, iterative way on system design and deliveryThis deep integration with our partners enables the user-driven design necessary for building an effective system.Labs is set up to co-evolve the technology with the understanding of the problem-space. This is a fundamentally different approach from other software houses – and it’s because impact is part of our bottom line.
Our Work
School Management Information System.
Researchers at CRED found that often the answer to the questions they were looking for with respect to schools attendances, enrollment, fee collection and grade performance was contained within dozens of registers maintained by the school administrators and teachers. Data was being recorded in these low-cost private schools, but without the ability for school owners to access, analyze and share it with parents, much of its value was lost.CRED Labs worked with the Private school networks in Pakistan to build an application specially designed to increase the management capacity of low-cost private schools. Labs worked in the field to iteratively design and prioritize various features with school owners, admins and teachers, ultimately building an application which synced data between different school devices in real-time when online, and queuing changes made offline on device until internet connectivity returned.Labs formed and executed a sales strategy to sell the school management system in six districts of Punjab, managed a distributed sales team and housed a customer support center at CRED to reach over 300 schools in six months.

Enterprise Resource Planning System – SSODD
CRED has an existing relationship with SSODD lasting over 3 years. It is a Malaysian global brand distributed and marketed by SSODD Marketplace Sdn Bhd, and offers wide range of home and electrical appliances. It started in 2017 and quickly expanded to over 20 countries and added over 600 employees. CRED Labs designed all of their backend resource system to meet the customer needs and satisfaction. Labs enabled SSODD to integrate planning, purchasing inventory, sales, marketing, finance, human resources, payments and partner commissions. Labs developed a web application solution as well as IOS and Android App for the employees. It increased the productivity of company and revenue increased 2x in the next year.

KOLECT™ – Non Fungible Tokens (NFT) Market place for Terra Virtua
CRED Labs team is leading the way in Blockchain technology in Pakistan. CRED designed one of the largest NFT market place in called KOLECT™. This project was a collaboration with Terra Virtual. It is targeted towards opening up a whole world of privileges, experiences and opportunities that take the best of what’s in the NFT space and wrap it into one, amazing social, fan-centric ecosystem.